Board blog: Tristan Timte
Hello future treasurer! My name is Tristan Timte and I am the treasurer and vice-chairman of this year's TeMa board. Currently I am pursuing two master’s degrees in Technology and Operations Management and Supply Chain Management. In addition to the hectic board year life, I take one course per period. To give you a little insight on what my week looks like, I will talk about a regular week of a board member who also tries to pursue his master’s degrees.
What my week looks like
Let’s take a usual Monday as an example. Every day we start together at 10.00 at our office at Zernike, where all study associations which fall under the FEB are located. Monday and Thursday we start with a board meeting where we talk about our policy, upcoming events, committees, meetings with other associations and more. When that is done, at around 12 o’ clock, we usually have lunch together. After lunch you have a lot of freedom in how to fill your time based on your tasks.
What my daily tasks are
As a treasurer you are responsible for every flow of money that goes into and out of your association. You are constantly making sure that enough money is flowing in and deciding where this money is spent. To keep track of this, you are working with accounting software. Besides administrative tasks, which is only a small part of the function, you are having weekly meetings with other treasurers of committees to monitor the progress and make sure the budget is adhered to.
My experience so far
My board year has proven to be a remarkable period of personal and professional development. I have got to know a lot of new people, am developing myself everyday and I have the opportunity to orient myself on my future career and get in touch with employers. Besides all the formal stuff you have to do, you have a lot of informal events in the evening you can attend almost every night! The formal tasks are just half of the things you are busy with during the year. When I applied, I was unsure what I wanted to do with my life in the upcoming years since I was at the end of my study career. I also looked at other possibilities like a year abroad or an internship, but at the end the board year fit me the most!
It entails a lot more than what I initially thought, but trust me, if you dive into it with full confidence you will experience the best year of your life!
Feel free to contact me any time if you have any questions (+ 31 6 57 18 87 80)
> Click here to read the Board Experience of Martijn - Chairman
> Click here to read the Board Experience of Joëlle - Secretary & Promotion Officer
> Click here to read the Board Experience of Quirine - Interal Relations & Education Officer
> Click here to read the Board Experience of Tijmen - External Relations Officer