I'm currently combining the MSc Technology & Operations Management (TOM) and the MSc Supply Chain Management (SCM). I chose these masters since I enjoy making decisions based on calculations and data, especially in the Supply Chain and Operations fields. Using data for decisions feels reliable compared to making decisions based on a personal preference or a feeling for me. A bit like the movie Moneyball ;). Before these masters, I completed the Business Management track of the BSc Business Administration. This is a pretty broad BSc, which made me want to specialize in my MSc. Therefore, I chose to focus on a master that aligned with the courses I enjoyed most: Supply Chain Management.
During a minor I followed, Data Wise, I came in contact with programming. This was really interesting to me, which made me realise that the MSc Technology & Operations Management was also a good fit. Since these MSc can be combined due to the overlap of some courses, I decided to study both. So far, I'm really glad I did. SCM focuses more on getting insights from data, while TOM focuses more on the tools to analyse data and support decision making, which I anticipated when I started the masters. Indeed, both of the masters focus on decision making based on data, as expected. In SCM we use Excel a lot and in TOM we use Python more often for decisions and data analysis. I think these are two programs that are used a lot in the jobs you might end up with as well. Therefore, the masters are really relevant for the job market. It is interesting to see how other students end up in diverse positions after their studies, which shows how the masters are relevant for many different positions.