Conference Committee blog - Secretary & PR

Noor de Jong - Secretary & PR of the Conference Committee 2021

Meet Noor, Secretary and Promotion of the TeMa Conference 2021!

How do you know TeMa?

I got to know TeMa via their messages in the groups chat. 

What was your motivation to join the Conference Committee? 

I wanted to join the Conference Committee, because organizing an interactive day that was study-related appealed to me.

How would you describe your role within the committee?

My role within the Committee was very diverse. I mainly had to plan and arrange a lot. Also, I did the external contact which was not related to the companies. Furthermore, I was mainly responsible for the promotion and creativity of the Conference.

Did you have any experience with InDesign before making the first Instagram post?

No, I had no experience with Indesign. Fortunately, Indesign is a user-friendly programme, so if you start early and like to be creative, it is no problem if you have no experience with Indesign. Moreover, you also get help from your committee members in creating ideas for social media posts and/or promotional activities.

Regarding the Conference Committee's workload, was it as expected?

I studied my Master's next to the Conference Committee. That is possible, as long as you have a tight schedule that you stick to. The workload of a secretary & PR varies a lot. In the beginning, this position takes the least time, but as the Conference is getting closer, this becomes one of the busier positions due to the promotional role. 

What skills did you improve over the past year within the Conference Committee?

I mainly learned what is involved in organising such an evenement. So, I improved mainly my organisational skills.

Looking back at the TeMa Conference 2021, how did you experience ‘being behind the scenes’?

It was fun. While you are very busy, you are also proud of all your work of the past months coming together in one day.

If another student would have asked you, would you recommend applying for the Conference Committee 2022?

Ofcourse! If you like to organize an interactive day, then the Conference Committee is definitely recommended.